Liebster Award

Alright so last week Michaela from Vegan Life nominated me for the Liebster Award, and this week the wonderful Jess from Keeping It Real Food did too! So I figured I would combine the two and blast you guys with a ton of random information about myself.


Liebster, in German, is consistently used to express your appreciation of someone, meaning “dearest” or “beloved”. I tried to find the original Liebster Award post so that I could credit whoever came up with this, no luck. But what I did find is that it has been going on around the blogosphere for quite a while, and it really shows how much we appreciate each other as fellow bloggers. It’s a chance to show someone that you’re really listening and you really care.

With that said, here are the rules…

  1. Write 11 random facts about yourself
  2. Answer the 11 questions given by the person who nominated you
  3. Create 11 new questions
  4. Nominate 11 bloggers and mention them in your post
  5. Thank the person that nominated you and tell the people you’ve nominated

Since I got this from 2 different people, I’ll be answering 22 questions that they created

11 Random Facts About Me

  1. I’m very clumsy with little things, like making a mess when I eat, running into tables, dropping wine glasses…
  2. I have two older brothers
  3. Training for a 10k right now, which is also the start to my Half marathon training but I don’t want to call it that yet because I think it makes it seem daunting
  4. In high school I was on the varsity rowing team for 4 years as port in the bow pair
  5. Andrew and I have been dating for 3 and a half years
  6. I won’t eat meat at more than 1 meal a day, and there is no reasoning behind this
  7. My favorite wine is Pinot Grigio (white), but I actually much prefer red wine
  8. Incubus and Bob Marley are my “fall-backs” for music. Can’t ever get enough
  9. Scallops are one of my favorite foods, but I only eat them once or twice a year because I think only fine-dining places can get them right, so I save them for special occasions
  10. Now that I live in a tropical climate, anything below 70 degrees is “cold” to me
  11. I own more yoga pants than jeans

Questions from Jess

  1. What are your desert island albums? Everything Incubus has ever created, oh and you could throw in some Bob Marley if you’re feeling generous (see random fact #8)
  2. Do you pay attention to astrology? No not really
  3. What’s your hidden talent? It wouldn’t be a hidden talent if I told you
  4. How did you celebrate your last birthday? Well it was on a Tuesday so I went to work, we had celebrated the weekend before when my parents were in town
  5. What’s your favorite way to spend a day off? Snuggled up on the couch with Annie… or going to the beach
  6. Hot weather or cold weather? Hot hot hot!
  7. Do you have a “signature” dish you make? Baklava, but I’ve been thinking lately I really need to find something other than dessert that is my signature dish.. better get to work!
  8. What’s your favorite drink, alcoholic or non? Wine, hands-down. Sorry I’m not sorry? I do also love coffee
  9. What song do you listen to over and over? Right now it’s Sweet Nothing by Calvin Harris and Florence
  10. What time do you usually go to bed? During the week I try to go to bed by 11, earlier if I can.. I’m worthless without sleep
  11. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Greece, Italy, and back to Spain please

Questions from Michaela

  1. Yoga or Pilates? Yoga please, just because I don’t necessarily do it for the workout, that’s just a nice perk
  2. Book or movie? Depends, it’s gotta be a good movie or I fall asleep hah
  3. Gingerbread or peppermint? Peppermint for sure, yum
  4. Ocean or lake? This is a tough one, I’d say lake for nostalgic reasons of my summers at Lake Michigan but I do love the warm, salty ocean breeze
  5. Run or Bike? I like to run more now than I ever thought I would
  6. Acai or gogi berries? Costco has these chocolate covered acai berries and they are to die for
  7. Scuba dive or Sky dive? Um neither? I would be terrified either way
  8. Morning or evening? I’m more of a morning person but everything good happens at night, it’s more fun!
  9. Ski or surf? Well I was on ski team in high school, I learned to ski probably the day after I learned to walk sooo…
  10. Australia or Europe? Both would be amazing to explore
  11. Seashells or Seahorses? I love collecting sea shells when I go to the beach, maybe I should do some sort of craft with them? Right now they are just in glass jars

My Questions for You!

  1. Would you rather spend your money on food or clothes?
  2. What’s your favorite holiday cookie?
  3. When you’re angry or upset, how do you calm yourself down?
  4. Do you have a favorite restaurant?
  5. With foods that you don’t like, is it a texture thing or taste?
  6. How many alarms do you set to wake up?
  7. Is your house/apartment/room clean or messy?
  8. Chocolate or vanilla?
  9. When’s the last time you talk to your best friend?
  10. Do you like prefer flying or driving?
  11. How many cups of coffee/tea do you drink in a day?

My Nominations

  1. Running on Pumpkin
  2. Mac&Cheese&Peas
  3. Blissful Britt
  4. Burpees, Box Jumps and Beer
  5. Blonde Ambition
  6. Keeping Up With Claire
  7. On The Road to RD
  8. PickyRunner
  9. Sarah’s Doodles
  10. Totes My Oats
  11. Kelsey Runs
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16 thoughts on “Liebster Award

  1. Thank you for the nomination love!! I will do it soon :) I love scallops too but only eat them at really nice restaurants because I agree they have to be perfectly cooked. PS I think I am going to make baklava to bring to Christmas dinner this year…I will give you full credit if it turns out as awesome as it looks on your blog!

  2. Pingback: And the award goes to… | pickyrunner

  3. I was SO excited when I saw your comment! Congrats on being nominated twice! I’m usually a beer girl, but lately I’ve been getting my wine on. A nice little buzz combined with antioxidants? Don’t mind if I do!

  4. Pingback: Friday Things + Beautiful Blogger Award « Blonde Ambition

  5. Pingback: Weekend Ramblings | Have Your Cake and…

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