Monday Munchies: Recipe for water?

I feel like my eyeballs are floating.

No but really, today’s Elf for Health task was to track your water intake, and try to drink as many ounces as you weigh in pounds. Uhhh hello. By no means am I light-as-a-feather, so this wasn’t easy.

By noon I had drank 60 ounces… I was a little over zealous at first, so I slowed down a little bit in the afternoon. I e-mailed my Elf-buddy telling her to chug chug chug, like I was back in college at a frat party or something, how motivational is that? By the way, my Elf is also an Emily, small world… go check out her blog!

In the end, I drank 140 ounces of water.. over my goal! Weeeeee I kicked butt.


I had a Roasted Red Pepper Vegetable Lasagna recipe that I had planned to share with you guys today, but I need to work on my final project for my Foodservice rotation (budgeting and staffing and meal cost… gag). Tomorrow night I’ll be at a fun little holiday get-together and this project is due Wednesday so I better get-to-gettin’!


How much water did you drink today?

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20 thoughts on “Monday Munchies: Recipe for water?

  1. I drank the same amount as you did! I’m a big water-drinker though so I didn’t really drink more than I’m used to drinking… good for you for surpassing your goal :)

  2. Yayyy on the water drinking! That’s impressive girl. I want to try keeping track one day. Maybe I shouldve done elf for health..I honestly have no idea even ballpark range how much I drink. Good luck on your project!!! You are so close to being done with this rotation! :)

  3. WOW awesome job on the water consumption. I used to drink a gallon a day for years, and then I fell off that bandwagon and I need to get back onto drinking more!! I drink about 60oz on average a day..MUST get more!

  4. I didn’t drink much, cause I went in for GI tests and wasnt allowed to in the morning ;) Regardless, I am super impressed- on a good day I probably only get 40oz tops! Definitely something to work on.

    And uhh that lasagna sounds awesome!

  5. I have a 20oz water cup at work and go through about 5 a day! Outside of that I always chug a glass of water in the AM and then with dinner / before bed… using my incredible math skills I’d guess it puts me at about… 120-150 on the weekends though… probably 16 if I am lucky. I suck at drinking water when I don’t have my cup handy! Nice work!

  6. Whoa, that’s a lot of water!! Good job! I have no idea how much water I drink in a day, maybe I’ll keep track of it tomorrow to see.

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