Pardon me while I dust off my WordPress dashboard, but I have to say that after the end of my internship, all I needed was a freaking break, from like.. life in general. I think in total I have posted maybe 3 times in the past month? Who cares though, I feel revived.
Now that I’ve been back from my two weeks in Michigan, I’m finding myself being even more of a lump than ever before. And you know what I’ve been spending most of my time doing? Reading blogs. That’s right, not writing posts or fussing with my blog design, just reading reading reading. And occasionally commenting (don’t think that if you haven’t gotten a comment from me that I haven’t totally scoured your posts from the past 6 months, I’m just a bit stingy with the comments).
You see, I’ve pretty much spent my entire last year, ok or maybe like 6 years, of my life totally and completely engulfed in what I like to call “clinical nutrition paradise“, or hell, whichever way you want to look at it is fine. What I mean to say is that I don’t care about gluconeogensis or anything like that right now. I want to know what the world is talking about in terms of food and nutrition. And what better way to find out than to look at blogs of average people? Yeah sure there are individuals here and there with some serious background in food, but a lot of bloggers don’t have that. And don’t get me wrong, being “average” is not a bad thing, it’s just a fact of life. Not everyone is going to be a dietitian or have a masters in food science, I get that. That’s the whole point though, I don’t want to know what the experts are talking about, I want to know what the people are talking about.
This whole phase may or may not have inspired that last post a little bit. There are a lot of things I have beef with. Actually, I’m quite the opinionated person. However, it’s not really appropriate for me to put it out to the world on my personal blog. Maybe I should write a book once I pass the exam… “Sh*t Dietitians Wish They Could Say”. I’m kidding, mostly.
But that’s not where I meant to go with this post. No I actually have no idea where I’m going with this post. What I can tell you though is that you all need to stop writing such intriguing and interesting blog posts so that I can actually be a productive human-being! Oh I should be studying? Let’s check Feedly. Oh maybe I’ll apply for more jobs? Winds up on Oh I should call person A about XYZ? Looky here, a “Link-up” post with dozens of articles that I just HAVE TO READ, okay.
Do you get what I’m saying? For a few days I felt like complete crap about myself because I was convinced I had lost all motivation for life. But in fact, I’m just so much more inspired by reading what everyone has to say. You are all so awesome. This has lead me to one conclusion: I need to work with people. Yes, currently I will take any full-time-with-benefits job that comes my way, but in 5-10 years I hope to have a career that allows me to just talk with people all day about one thing: food. The love of my life.
But as I’m typing this, that one conclusion has lead me to another one: I need to get motivated about what’s in front of me right now. Passing that exam. Getting a real job. Two monumental accomplishments that will allow me to do what I want in the future. So my passive attempts need to be transformed into good ol’ hard work.
This might take a lot of coffee.
Oh and to keep you on your toes a little, I have two super easy and super delish recipes coming your way. Brown sugar roasted fig oatmeal and basil garlic goat cheese. Stay tuned!
if you find them, let me know
if you find them, let me know
Will do, sir!
I really enjoyed your post about your beefs. I also really think you made a lot of great points! That gluten-free one really gets me - especially when they sub in all those crappy gluten-free cookie & junk food products! Just because it’s GF doesn’t mean it’s GOOD for you! Lol
Good luck in your job search & studying for the exam!
The gluten free products in the aisles make me shudder. “it’s gluten free so it’s healthy!”… OYE complete slap in tha faceee. And thank you
I love your approach to all this nutrition/dietitian stuff and wanting to see what average people talk about. I have faith you will find the motivation to study, and then when you get your dream job you can talk about what YOU want and what YOU think is a good idea, and not just what the text book says!
Thank you for having faith in me because I KIND-OF-SORT-OF have been studying and after I posted this I studied a bit more. Wine may have been involved but that is beside the point. I freaking studied. GO ME!
I would love you as my nutritionist/RD. You have a similar approach to the one I see right now and I find it much more…real? I don’t know. But anyways, I don’t think anyone has life completely figured out but as long as we can roll with the punches, everything will work out! I’ve been getting lazy about blog commenting lately too, but that was mostly because I was reading them on my phone (no internet=boaterprobz) and my fingers were starting to get tired.
Well I think I would love you as my client! Real people deserve real help
And yea, life ain’t all rainbows and butterflies, sometimes sh*t gets real and you just have to go with it
I know how you feel in those moments. Unemployment is making me sluggish and lazy, and pretty emotional at times. I’m so much better of a person when I have a real purpose everyday. And obviously, job searching is my purpose right now, but it doesn’t allow me to leave the house, and it’s isolating. I really don’t know why people would play the system to get unemployment for months and months and months — it’s not very rewarding. I’m not complaining — I chose this for myself — but those are my honest feelings :).
I totally WISH I had a job to complain about. “uggggh hard day at work, uggggh I wish it were Friday”. That would be so much better than “uggggh I need a paycheck to pay these bills that I have no income for”
I know
Yaaaay recipes! I don’t blame you for getting sucked in to blogs. Most of what we write about is literally your career/life interests!
Yes! But I was totally kidding when I said stop writing blog posts haha it would just help me be a bit more productive in the world
Pingback: Roasted Fig Oatmeal | Have Your Cake and…
I’m currently getting sucked in at the moment when I should be out wandering my new city or baking or sleeping or something!
Hah ya like how I name dropped you? GO EXPLORE! Chicago is so awesome. Oh I have some great restaurant suggestions for you!