Butternut Squash Risotto - Olives’n'Wine Style

So I don’t know about you, but I’m obsessed with Panera’s Autumn Squash soup. Like, I don’t even know how I made it through fall without it in the past. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, go to your nearest Panera ASAP. It’s basically a butternut squash soup, but upon looking at the ingredient list (dietitian alert) I found it also has pumpkin and a wee bit of parm cheese. Hello, could those two things could ever make anything bad? Never.


Anyway, my new-found love of this soup peaked my interest in butternut squash. Oh, I’m not the only one? Yeah? You’ve noticed the squash-obsession around the blog world too? Well I know it’s a fad-food but it’s for a good reason: it’s delicious.

Butternut squash not only tastes good, but it’s good for you. Ever heard of vitamin A? Yeah this baby is chocked-full of it. You can tell by the color - orange! - which is the pigment of beta carotenes. Good for your eyes, your skin, and just your everything - beta carotenes are antioxidants. Carrots, pumpkins and sweet potatoes are also good sources of vitamin A (no way, how could you tell?).

So back to that Panera soup. After spending far too much money on bowls of soup and baguettes at Panera I decided it was time to take matters into my own hands. Naturally, I went out and bought a giant butternut squash from the store thinking I could somehow recreate that magical golden liquid in my kitchen. But I could not, for the life of me, find a recipe that even sounded like it would be a good copy of their soup.

As I was about to throw in the towel and just eat the whole squash plain and roasted, a little birdy told me that Becky over at Olives’n'Wine was coming up on her one year blog anniversary. Of course I had to check her recipes to see if she had anything with the beloved squash - and she did! And wouldn’t you know it, it was a risotto recipe. Being that risotto was still not checked off of my food bucket list for the year, it was a match made in heaven.


Her recipe can be found here - and here’s what I did differently…

  • Cut the recipe in half
  • Nixed the carrots and just doubled the amount of squash
  • Subbed goat cheese in place of the parm
  • Used pumpkin pie spice instead of the individual cinnamon/nutmeg

Before I talk about the outcome… Can we just talk for a minute about how therapeutic this whole experience was? Propped in front of the stove-top with a wooden spoon in one hand and a glass of wine in the other for almost an hour, just stirring and stirring and stirring? Call me crazy but that’s just what I needed to relax.


Creamy, steamy and subtly-cheesy.. this risotto will make you want to cry tears of joy. I really am not exaggerating by saying that either. As if you needed another reason to love butternut squash.. It is worth every second in front of that stove-top. I actually meant to wilt in a big handful of spinach at the end for a little bit of green but I lost all self-control and dug right in. It resembles the flavor of that Panera soup, but it’s even better.

Becky, you won my heart with this one! Happy one year on the blog :)

One Year: Food Bucket List Check-in

So earlier this week I noticed that it was the week of my 1 year blog-anniversary. I don’t actually find it all that exciting, and I had no intentions of doing any sort of post on this because, honestly, if I re-capped some of my blog posts from the last year I can almost guarantee none of you would go clicking back to read them. No it’s okay really, I’m not saying that makes you a bad person, I’m just saying I don’t blame you. ;)

But after some consideration, there was one reason for me to acknowledge this anniversary - my Food Bucket List! It’s probably a good idea for me to go back on it every so often to see how I’m doing, right?

Alright, let’s hack through the list…

- use kale: I used it in this recipe for lentil soup, and I’ve been been buying it but probably not as often as it’s friend spinach… what can I say, I’m too loyal


- hollandaise sauce: No, because, well when I want eggs benedict I really want eggs benedict, and I go to my favorite Jewish deli for the best nova lox benedict on earth

- tikka masala: Yep


- make fresh mozzarella: No because I’m not really sure where you would just casually buy rennet?

- stuffed grape leaves (or dolmas): Sadly no, but this is top on my list.

- red velvet cake: I don’t really like to bake, you guys, I think I realized that this year.

- macaroons: Like I said, I don’t think I like to bake as much as I originally thought.

- lasagna: Actually I have made it a handful of times this past year, I’ve just simply forgotten to document it. In fact I made it last week! I’m a bad foodie.

- stuffed cabbage: Again, I did actually make it (and it was freaking delicious), but no documentation.

- make homemade granola: yep


- matzo soup: Nope, another one still top on my list.

- make homemade pie or tart crust: Yes but again, never documented. I’m seeing a trend here - the trend of the bad foodie. Or it’s because I had a crap-phone with a crap-camera up until like a month ago. Yea that’s my excuse.

- curry chicken: I JUST bought ingredients for this, so it’s coming soon.

- use tofu: Yes actually every time Andrew goes out-of-town for some reason or another, this finds its way into my grocery cart. He would never eat it. Again, undocumented.

- traditional risotto: Nope. Another one at the top of my list.

- fudge: Eh, no, and I no longer have the desire to make it either.

- use lentils: Yes! That soup was mmm mmmm good.

lentil soup

- homemade ravioli/pasta: One of my friends told me that making pasta without a pasta-crank is near impossible, so I’m waiting on this one


It’s obvious that I have a problem with actually documenting these things. Since I am now officially done with school stuff for the foreseeable future (grad school is not even on my radar right now, eff no), and with a solid job hopefully coming my way (fingies crossed), I plan to spend a lot more time, effort, and money on food. With that said, here is an updated list - that I’m giving myself until 2014 to accomplish.

  1. Stuffed grape leaves
  2. Curry Chicken
  3. Traditional Risotto
  4. Matzo Soup
  5. Instead of ravioli - gnocchi?
  6. Homemade cornbread (no Jiffy shortcuts)
  7. Crab rangoon
  8. Actually document: tofu, lasagna, stuffed cabbage


Yep! Only 3 and a half months. I better get to it.


What’s something that’s been on your list of “things to make”?

Coffee Crazy

So you guys want to hear something crazy?

I haven’t drank coffee in a month.

Ok well that’s maybe 95% true. Let me explain.




The last week of my internship in July was crazy. Along with getting together all of my final paperwork and finishing up any missing hours that I needed to makeup, it finally hit me that I’d soon be entering into the real world of unemployment if I didn’t get my act together. So on top of wrapping up the loose ends of my internship, I was scrambling to get my resume and references in order, and looking for open positions. Amongst other things.

This was a week that also happened to be quite busy for Andrew as well. He was working long hours and (I think) he was out-of-town for a day or two if I remember correctly.

So the only thing at home that was of really any concern to me was Annie. Taking her out and giving her attention and lots of peanut butter. You guys, my kitchen that week? It was a disaster.

Need attention mom...

Need attention mom…


Needless to say, my mornings were spent rushing out the door, grabbing a granola bar and a banana on the way out. I didn’t even have the brain power to turn on the coffee maker (yes, we have a Keurig, I realize that is entirely pathetic). And on top of that, we were out of coffee pods and there was no way I was making it to the store to get any.

Come Wednesday that week, afternoon rolls around and I find myself with a wicked headache and droopy, tired eyes. What the heck? Am I getting sick? Oh my gosh, I haven’t had any coffee today.. or wait… I haven’t had coffee since we went to brunch on Sunday!

I’d had a headache the day before too, but didn’t make any connections then. Instead of rushing to the nearest Einsteins or Starbucks, I decided that I might as well endure the caffeine withdrawal symptoms since they had already started. By Thursday, I felt like I was living with a chronic hangover. It sucked.


But by Friday, the day I was leaving for my Michigan vacation, I felt fine. In my two weeks spent on vacation, I only drank coffee a few times when I was out to breakfast, but only because it sounded good, and it was cold out. Yeah I’m calling 65 degrees cold. Sorry I live in Florida?

Now that I’ve been back in Florida for a couple of weeks, I still have yet to turn on the Keurig machine. To say that I’m impressed with myself would be an understatement. It has been probably a solid 5 years since I haven’t started my day with a cup of coffee, I never skipped my morning cup. Normally I’m only a one-or-two cup kind of girl, but I definitely was dependent on it. I have to say, I don’t feel all that much different without my coffee, which I suppose is a good thing. Mornings are a little bit slower, but I don’t have too many time-specific obligations at the moment so I’m okay with that.

I don’t plan to give up coffee forever, mostly because it is still delicious (hello iced coffee) and I like having that morning ritual of a hot cup o’ jo to jolt my senses. Surprisingly enough, coffee does actually have benefits! It is full of antioxidants to help fight inflammation in our bodies, which in turn can help reduce the risks for diabetes, heart disease, and other diseases… even a reduced risk of death. But of course, as with everything else, moderation is key. The jury is out on a specific amount of coffee that is safe to consume, but a cup or two (or three or four?) is still considered safe in terms of caffeine.



Do you drink coffee everyday? How much?