Monday Munchies: Beef Stroganoff

If there is one thing that I like about Mondays, it would be getting back into the routine of things.


Especially today, after being out of sorts with the holiday vacation, I actually enjoyed getting back into the normal swing of things.

Normally, Andrew wakes up and gets ready for work while I roll around in the blankets, cursing my alarm, throwing pillows around the room. I almost always end up turning the alarm off completely and falling back asleep, and only get up when Andrew is so kind to force me out of bed as he leaves for work.

Once up and ready, I do my thing, whether it’s going to a rotation site all day, or morning class then to-do list items in the afternoon. Then Andrew gets home, and that’s when we usually workout.

Today we decided to take it easy with a slow, shorter run. I was so excited to finally use the Garmin that I got for Christmas from my parents. I’ve just been running on treadmills because there is no way I was running outside when I was in Michigan.

Side note: I’ve never had a running watch, so this Garmin Forerunner 10 is perfect for me. It’s very basic and does everything I need it to. Definitely adds to the motivation to complete my January goal of running 3 days per week.


Another part of the routine for Mondays is doing a Monday Munchies post!

On Sunday the crockpot was calling my name. And top round beef just happened to be on sale at Publix. I knew just what to make.

Beef Stroganoff

  • 2lb Top Round (mine was labeled ‘top round london broil’), cubed
  • 1 large onion, diced
  • 15oz can beef broth
  • 1.5 tbsp chili sauce or ketchup
  • 1 and 1/2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1/3 cup flour
  • Half pound mushrooms, diced (optional)
  • 1/2 to 1 cup reduced fat sour cream or plain greek yogurt


  1. In crockpot, combine 1 and 1/2 cup broth with chili sauce, Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder and black pepper.. reserve remaining broth for later use.
  2. Add beef cubes and onion to broth mixture, stir to coat
  3. Cook on high for 4-5 hours, or low for 8-9 hours
  4. After cooking, use remaining broth (should be about 1/2 cup) and combine with flour to create a pasty mixture
  5. Stir flour mixture into crockpot. At this point you would also add the mushrooms (which I omitted for Andrew’s taste). Cook for 30 minutes on high
  6. Just before serving, stir in sour cream or greek yogurt
  7. Serve over noodles or rice, or plain like a stew. Serves 4-5


Do you like routine? What about Mondays?

Sunday Funday

Thanks so much for all your comments on my post yesterday regarding iron, I knew I could count on you guys for some solid input!

As for now, I’m going to play around with my diet a little more rather than taking a supplement. If my symptoms of fatigue continue, Ill definitely see a doc and run a blood test but I do truly believe it’s low iron. Also, vitamin C is a huge support in iron absorption and after dissecting my recent diet a bit more, I realized that I’ve been pretty low on that too.

A thick and hearty bolognese sauce over whole wheat pasta was my quick-fix for beef last night. I usually use a half pound lean ground beef when making pasta but I used a whole pound this time. Beefy.

Anyway, today I slept in even later than yesterday.. 10am! It’s so sad, in college I thought that was waking up at a decent time on the weekends, now it makes me feel like I wasted the day! What has happened to me…

When we were finally up and moving, we set out to run some quick errands. But of course, had to stop at Einstein’s for some coffee first. Pumpkin latte please! Andrew was also craving a bagel sandwich.

He called me a weirdo for taking a picture of our coffees, so I snapped a picture of him stuffing his face. HA. Punk.

After running around to Target, Publix and CostCo… (which, by the way, remind me to NEVER go to any of those places the weekend before Thanksgiving.. what was I thinking?) we head back home for a hefty day of cleaning. Along with everything else, we cleaned out the fridge and, well, it was bad. On the bright side though, I now have much more tupperware to use.

Now I’m working on a batch of baklava.. my signature dish for the holidays.

But that’s perfect for me to share tomorrow for a Monday Munchies post…

Have a good night everyone!

How did you spend your Sunday?

Where’s the beef?

Yay for the weekend!

After sleeping in until around 9am this morning, Andrew and I got up to go on a little 5k training run to get ready for the Turkey Trot coming up this week! I definitely know I can do it, but he had never ran more than 3 miles before so he was looking to just finish strong.

We saw the cutest baby ducklings about half way through our run. I just had to stop and take a picture, but the momma duck started quacking at me so we got away quick after I snapped the photo.

It was really sticky and humid out since it rained pretty hard last night, so the run was a little tough.. but we finished! Andrew was so proud of himself. He has always hated running, so this is huge for him.

After chugging some water, I got to work on breakfast.

Broccoli and cheese omelet, topped with Siracha of course. With coffee and toast.

I’m feeling pretty good today after a solid nights sleep, a good run and a big breakfast.. but for some reason this week I was feeling very fatigued and just “off”.

I’ve actually been feeling like this for a few weeks now, and I initially thought it was the time change. But I’ve been getting a decent amount of sleep every night, and waking up hasn’t been an issue for me. Then I started thinking about other factors and realized that even though I’ve been eating balanced meals, my red meat consumption has declined quite a bit in the past month or so for a number of reasons.

This leads me to believe that my iron levels are low. I don’t think I’m anemic, because I have never had issues with anemia in the past, but I do know that fluctuating from your normal levels of specific nutrients can cause physical changes in your body. And iron is one of those sensitive nutrients. I do still get iron from other sources since I eat spinach almost daily, but I used to eat some type of red meat a few times a week, and now I hardly eat it at all.

So I could either start taking a multi that has iron or I could just eat more red meat. Normally I would just say more red meat because I’m a believer in eating whole foods for the nutrients you need rather than getting it from artificial sources, but the cost of beef is going to skyrocket soon. Why? Think of all the drought we had here in the US this past summer. All of the corn and grass that normally feeds our cows was in very little supply. And you can figure out the rest…

Anyway, this whole debacle has caused me to rethink the way I eat. Maybe I should just totally stop eating red meat? I don’t think I would truly miss it.

What do you think? Do you eat red meat?