Coffee Crazy

So you guys want to hear something crazy?

I haven’t drank coffee in a month.

Ok well that’s maybe 95% true. Let me explain.




The last week of my internship in July was crazy. Along with getting together all of my final paperwork and finishing up any missing hours that I needed to makeup, it finally hit me that I’d soon be entering into the real world of unemployment if I didn’t get my act together. So on top of wrapping up the loose ends of my internship, I was scrambling to get my resume and references in order, and looking for open positions. Amongst other things.

This was a week that also happened to be quite busy for Andrew as well. He was working long hours and (I think) he was out-of-town for a day or two if I remember correctly.

So the only thing at home that was of really any concern to me was Annie. Taking her out and giving her attention and lots of peanut butter. You guys, my kitchen that week? It was a disaster.

Need attention mom...

Need attention mom…


Needless to say, my mornings were spent rushing out the door, grabbing a granola bar and a banana on the way out. I didn’t even have the brain power to turn on the coffee maker (yes, we have a Keurig, I realize that is entirely pathetic). And on top of that, we were out of coffee pods and there was no way I was making it to the store to get any.

Come Wednesday that week, afternoon rolls around and I find myself with a wicked headache and droopy, tired eyes. What the heck? Am I getting sick? Oh my gosh, I haven’t had any coffee today.. or wait… I haven’t had coffee since we went to brunch on Sunday!

I’d had a headache the day before too, but didn’t make any connections then. Instead of rushing to the nearest Einsteins or Starbucks, I decided that I might as well endure the caffeine withdrawal symptoms since they had already started. By Thursday, I felt like I was living with a chronic hangover. It sucked.


But by Friday, the day I was leaving for my Michigan vacation, I felt fine. In my two weeks spent on vacation, I only drank coffee a few times when I was out to breakfast, but only because it sounded good, and it was cold out. Yeah I’m calling 65 degrees cold. Sorry I live in Florida?

Now that I’ve been back in Florida for a couple of weeks, I still have yet to turn on the Keurig machine. To say that I’m impressed with myself would be an understatement. It has been probably a solid 5 years since I haven’t started my day with a cup of coffee, I never skipped my morning cup. Normally I’m only a one-or-two cup kind of girl, but I definitely was dependent on it. I have to say, I don’t feel all that much different without my coffee, which I suppose is a good thing. Mornings are a little bit slower, but I don’t have too many time-specific obligations at the moment so I’m okay with that.

I don’t plan to give up coffee forever, mostly because it is still delicious (hello iced coffee) and I like having that morning ritual of a hot cup o’ jo to jolt my senses. Surprisingly enough, coffee does actually have benefits! It is full of antioxidants to help fight inflammation in our bodies, which in turn can help reduce the risks for diabetes, heart disease, and other diseases… even a reduced risk of death. But of course, as with everything else, moderation is key. The jury is out on a specific amount of coffee that is safe to consume, but a cup or two (or three or four?) is still considered safe in terms of caffeine.



Do you drink coffee everyday? How much?

Differently, Lately

Things that I’ve been doing differently as of late…

  • Not eating breakfast. Ok so that’s a lie, I do still eat breakfast everyday but not immediately upon waking per usual. Now I just drink coffee in the morning until I get to the hospital and eventually I roll into the cafeteria for breakfast, usually around 8 or 9. Hey, it’s free! And they have little individual “juice boxes” of dark chocolate almond milk. Winning.
  • Speaking of coffee, I’ve been drinking it black for a few months now. Not even a hint of sugar or cream. My teeth are suffering, but luckily I’ve found that brushing them with plain baking soda takes out the stains…. yay for Pinterest experiments!
  • Going to bed no later than 10pm. Every night. Internships turn you into an old lady.
  • Not drinking wine on weekdays. Like I said, internships turn you into an old lady. Plus they suck the life out of your bank account to the point where you can’t even justify buying a 9 dollar bottle of wine. Thank god for tax refunds, I need my pinot!
  • Eating sweets everyday, in some form or another. I know, boo-hoo right? But seriously it’s making me feel like crap, I need to stop this madness. Too much sugar means too many mood swings, at least that’s how it affects me anyway.
  • Obsessing over this whole apartment-search thing, it’s taking more patience than I can muster up. I want to move into a bigger place SO BAD, like now, or yesterday. And I wouldn’t mind having my own bathroom.. sharing with a 24 year old guy isn’t fun, no matter how much you love them. And I want to make my own little space for a yoga shrine or something. Don’t judge me.
  • Talking to my brothers more. This isn’t a bad thing, and I hope it continues. They’re both older (27 and 30) and we didn’t have the best relationships growing up, but the older we get the closer we get. It’s just hard now that I live 1500 miles away from them. All the more reason for them to visit me.
  • Listening to one of the Spanish hip-hop stations on my way home. Did you know that Miami is populated by more than 70% Hispanic residents? Granted I live north of Miami but we get all the stations, and it’s fun to try and figure out what the radio DJ’s are saying. Plus you get a side of Pitbull you’re not used to:


What have you been doing differently?

Sunday Funday

Thanks so much for all your comments on my post yesterday regarding iron, I knew I could count on you guys for some solid input!

As for now, I’m going to play around with my diet a little more rather than taking a supplement. If my symptoms of fatigue continue, Ill definitely see a doc and run a blood test but I do truly believe it’s low iron. Also, vitamin C is a huge support in iron absorption and after dissecting my recent diet a bit more, I realized that I’ve been pretty low on that too.

A thick and hearty bolognese sauce over whole wheat pasta was my quick-fix for beef last night. I usually use a half pound lean ground beef when making pasta but I used a whole pound this time. Beefy.

Anyway, today I slept in even later than yesterday.. 10am! It’s so sad, in college I thought that was waking up at a decent time on the weekends, now it makes me feel like I wasted the day! What has happened to me…

When we were finally up and moving, we set out to run some quick errands. But of course, had to stop at Einstein’s for some coffee first. Pumpkin latte please! Andrew was also craving a bagel sandwich.

He called me a weirdo for taking a picture of our coffees, so I snapped a picture of him stuffing his face. HA. Punk.

After running around to Target, Publix and CostCo… (which, by the way, remind me to NEVER go to any of those places the weekend before Thanksgiving.. what was I thinking?) we head back home for a hefty day of cleaning. Along with everything else, we cleaned out the fridge and, well, it was bad. On the bright side though, I now have much more tupperware to use.

Now I’m working on a batch of baklava.. my signature dish for the holidays.

But that’s perfect for me to share tomorrow for a Monday Munchies post…

Have a good night everyone!

How did you spend your Sunday?