So in lieu of a heavy post to talk about what I’m about to say, I thought I would do something fun.
Every so often in the blog world I will see a “Coffee Date” post, where the blogger says “if we were on a coffee date.. I would tell you…X.. Y…Z”.
Well HI! So glad you could join me for a lovely Sunday afternoon coffee date… what did you order? Oh I got a venti iced coffee with soy and one pump of hazelnut. Let’s sit over there by the window.
If we were on a coffee date I would tell you…
That my 1200+ hour supervised practice is COMPLETE! Yes you heard me, twelve-hundred hours. The past year, all the internship rotations I’ve been doing have added up to that crazy number of hours, and I can officially say I’ve reached that required amount.. and then some, but who’s counting anymore?
If we were on a coffee date I would tell you…
That this means I’m basically done with my internship. Since I don’t need to use this last week to make-up any hours, I just have one day on campus for a post-test and to turn in all my paperwork… and that’s it. I know, I know. I can’t believe it either. It’s not real yet. It probably won’t actually feel real until next month.

I think I need this shirt from Nutritionella
If we were on a coffee date I would tell you…
That the eating disorder treatment center has offered me a position! I had hinted at this a few weeks ago but now I want to tell you. My preceptor and I totally hit it off (along with all the other dietitians working there, they are all so amazing) and although they can’t offer me any full-time or benefits position, she doesn’t want to lose me just yet. I will be taking over the outpatient nutrition groups once or twice a week, and filling in as needed for one-on-one patient sessions. To me, it doesn’t even matter what the position entails, I’m just thrilled to even put this place on my resume as my very first job post-internship. It is a nationally renowned treatment center, and I wish I could tell you more but for privacy purposes I really shouldn’t.
If we were on a coffee date I would tell you…
That I’m starting to look for more jobs. Though I’m thrilled about the position at the eating disorder place, it will not support me financially with the hours I’ll be working, so I need to buckle down on the job hunt ASAP. Tomorrow I’m getting my resume looked over to make sure it is in tip-top condition for putting on the market. I foresee a lot of networking over the upcoming weeks, namely reaching out to preceptors that I worked with over the course of this past year, and getting creative with applying for jobs. Job boards just seem like a waste of time right now, I need to TALK with people. With that said… if anyone knows of any employment opportunities for a new dietitian in the South Florida area.. holla atcha girl. But seriously, any little bit helps.
If we were on a coffee date I would tell you…
That it may or may not be a struggle in finding a job, because although I’ve finished my internship, I now need to study for and pass the exam to get my credentials as a Registered Dietitian. This could take an upwards of 1-2 months depending on how fast they process my internship hours and how quickly I feel prepared to take the exam. Right now I am simply “registered dietitian eligible” or RD-E, however it is actually illegal to use that terminology in referring to yourself, so right now my resume is lacking those pretty little letters after my name. Some places, namely hospitals, won’t even hire until you have taken the exam. Woof.
If we were on a coffee date I would tell you…
That this week is going to be a mix of relaxing, studying for the exam and applying for jobs. Suffice to say the relaxation part may fall to the wayward a bit. But fear not, on Friday I leave for a two week vacation where I am 100% (ok maybe 95%) turning off the dietetics part of my brain! Where am I going? The great state of Michigan to see my friends and family. I haven’t been back in Michigan since Christmas… making it almost 8 months. Holyyy smokes I miss everyone so much. I can’t wait for craft beers (hello Beer City USA) and Lake Michigan living!

My dad and my brother with about $500 worth of fireworks last year for the 4th. Cottage living. Pure joy.
Enough about me… if we were on a coffee date, what would you tell me?