Sunday Is A Good Day

I don’t know about you, but I love Sundays.


Especially when you can wake up to this face. Annie is the best little snuggler…. she may be a lab, but she’s only 40 pounds and has the lap-dog mentality.

Another reason is because usually Sundays means grocery shopping. Call me crazy, but I really like grocery shopping.. I mean really like it. Maybe it’s a form of retail therapy? I’m so methodical with it, I wouldn’t doubt that there is some kind of therapy-effect going on.


As if I weren’t already crazy about my meal planning and shopping strategy, I found this fun template for weekly meal planning (what’s wrong with me!) from This Week For Dinner. I swear I’m not usually this organized, maybe I’m finally starting to, gasp… grow up.


How cute is that? Help me.

Side note: I don’t know if I ever mentioned this before but I like to try and make “heartier” dinners. This is mostly for Andrew’s benefit, but I also tend to eat lighter lunches most days. When I’m at the hospital getting free lunch, everyday it’s a giant salad… what can I say? When you give a foodie free vegetables…

Anyway, the one thing I don’t like about Sundays is the beginning of to-do lists for the week. This afternoon was dedicated to finishing up my case study from trauma ICU that’s due by tomorrow morning. I hate wading through journal articles to find references. Just 5 more months Em… 5 more months! So close, yet so far.

What do you love about Sundays?

Fit Friday: Lots of Dog Stuff

Workouts this week were kind of sporadic, and involved a lot of this face.

dogfaceSunday: long dog walk

Monday: another dog walk…. she was being so needy all day!

Tuesday: super fast 2.5mi run, cut an entire minute off pace! I was dying…

Wednesday: OFF.. had way to much stuff to do

Thursday: 3 mile run

Friday: P90X yoga… I was totally inspired by Amy’s post, especially that video! Oh an Annie made sure to stick close by for any downward dogs, she’s good at those

yogadogSaturday: the plan is a 6.5 mile run! gradually kicking up that mileage :)


And now a little something that I was nominated for… the Sunshine Award! Except, I’m only going to be answering the questions because last time I nominated a bunch of people for an award-thing, I was put on a spam list and it was a whole mess trying to get it fixed.

Thanks to Kelsey for nominating me… she’s a fabulous lady!

1) Who is your favorite philosopher? Because I’m a fan of rationalism, I’ll go with Decartes. I think, therefore I am…

2) What is your favorite number? I tend to go with odd numbers, like 3, 7, 9.. etc. But if I had to choose a favorite, probably 9.. because it rhymes with wine. Also a favorite.

3) What is your favorite animal? DOGS! As if that wasn’t obvious from this post.

4) What are your Facebook and Twitter? Ok so this is something that I should hop on board with.. I’ve been toying with the idea of creating a Twitter account for my little blog here, but I’ll be honest… I’ve tried the whole Twitter thing before and I just CAN’T get into it. And I have a FB, just not for the blog.

5) What is your favorite time of day? I love mornings. Coffee, my favorite meal of the day, that’s enough to get me out of bed.

6) What’s your favorite holiday? Welllll Christmas holds a special place in my heart, I really can’t deny that. Everything about it, the lights, the food, the family, the traditions, the snow (I mean.. in Michigan at least).

7) What is your favorite physical activity? Am I the only one who’s mind went immediately in the gutter? No? Ok, fine, running I guess..

8) What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink? Easy answer, coffee.

9) What is your favorite flower? Orchids…

10) What is your passion? FOOD! Nutrition. Things related to food and nutrition. I just really love food. I love eating it, making it, reading about it, playing with it, researching it, analyzing it, creating it, talking about it, thinking about it, … and eating it… oh I already said that? Oh.


Do you like dogs as much as I do?! Do YOU have a dog?

This weekend…

I may have watched the entire 2nd season of Walking Dead, but I did lots of other things too…

…like test out our new backseat “dog hammock” on the way to the dog park….

…and cheer for my beloved University of Michigan team from 2000 miles away…

…finally spent a beautiful day at the beach…

…and ate a ridiculous salad including roasted tomatoes, portabella mushrooms and green beans with gorgonzola, crispy onions and roasted shallot dressing…

…along with probably the best margarita I’ve ever had…


…and ended the weekend with some delicious vegetarian chili that was bubbling away in the crockpot all day, which I’ll share with you guys tomorrow!


What did you do this weekend?