Fit Friday: lazy and proud of it

After a busy week, I’m so glad it’s Friday! Since I’m off on Fridays (not for much longer…), I usually try to be productive still, but I’ve decided not to do that today. I might do some laundry, but it most likely won’t get done until Sunday.

To make me feel less lazy, lets talk about my workouts for the week.

Sunday: Off, but we washed, waxed and detailed the cars for 4 hours, I definitely was sweating

Monday: Covered 4 and 1/2 miles on the hamster wheel (aka treadmill), felt GREAT

Tuesday: Kicked my butt with this dumbbell workout

Completed Lower then Upper, twice through, followed by some ab work. I used various weights on everything except the glute kickbacks and thigh lifts… and if you’re wondering what kind of thigh lifts I choose to do (since there are so many variations out there), here’s demo-pic I found on Pinterest


Wednesday: Quick and dirty 2.5 miles on the treadmill

Thursday: Completed this bodyweight circuit three times through

After round 2, clearly loving it…

Friday: Off… see, I told you I’m being the ultimate sloth today

Saturday: If I can wake up early enough to beat the heat, I have a 4 mile run I want to tackle outside but it might end up being a treadmill day, we’ll see..

Now if you’ll excuse me I have a lot of puppy-snuggles to attend to.

Tell me I’m not the only one with lazy days? What productive things are you doing today?

Fit Friday with Nicki Minaj

Hey hey everybody, it’s Friday! I’m glad this week is over… that funk I was in on Wednesday? Yea still in it.

Despite my funky week, I got in some pretty good workouts. Here’s what my week looked like:

Sunday - Even with the suffocating humidity, I ran outside! Only 2 miles but it felt goooood

Monday - Off

Tuesday - 15 minute run on the treadmill then upper body weights on the machines

Wednesday - Ran outside again, 3 miles this time, I was dying by the end…

Thursday - Off, date night!

Friday - I started with a warm-up of dancing shamelessly around my apartment to Nicki Minaj

Followed by this awesome total body circuit I made a few weeks ago

Complete each set once for a quick workout (15 minutes), twice for a good workout (30 minutes), or three times for something killer (45 minutes). I held on to 10-pound dumbbells when doing the squats and lunges, and my booty is feelin’ it!

(My peeping-Annie from my shower after my workout. She waits like this until I get out so that she can lick the water off of my toes.)

Tomorrow I plan on another run, although it may end up being on the treadmill if it gets too hot.

What’s your favorite way to warm-up for a workout? Or do you just jump right in?