March Goals

So I’m a few days late on this but I look forward to these posts every month. These goals are inspired by things just randomly popping up into my head throughout the month that I tell myself I need to do. But by writing them down and publishing them I’ve been much more successful at actually accomplishing these random thoughts.


February Goal Recap…


Accomplished this with zero issue. I don’t feel any different but I am proud of myself! Then again I was only eating beef a few times a week to begin with. I doubt I could go further by not eating meat at all… but maybe going pescetarian could be a goal for one of the summer months? We shall see.

2) Keep a budget

Err.. well, no. You see, it’s like I have this aversion to Excel. I tried for the first week and then every time I would think to myself “I need to add this to my spreadsheet”, I would die a little inside each time. But hey I seem to be staying afloat so my mental budget is working just fine!

3) Take more pictures

Again, no. To be honest I find it incredibly awkward to whip out my phone or camera and take pictures all the time. Plus, Andrew hates getting his picture taken so he’s kind of a buzzkill whenever I even try to take pictures of us as opposed to just my food.

4) Turn “off” for the night by 9:30p

Another great success. There were some nights where I looked at the clock a few minutes past 9:30 and thought “oh shit!”, so I was pretty consistent with it. This definitely made getting to bed at a decent hour an easier task.

5) Run a 10k

I did run 6.2 miles the first weekend of February, but unfortunately never followed through with signing up for a race. This is still a goal for the near future, that’s for sure.


New March Goals…

1) Give up Diet Coke

My one true vice in this world. I must say that in the past year or so I’ve tamed this addiction quite a bit, but I shouldn’t drink this stuff at all. And let’s be honest I drink enough coffee, I don’t need any more caffeine in my day.

2) Drink more water

This is a goal I had back in December, and I really need to bring it back. You know how some people just naturally tend to drink a lot of water? Yea I’m not one of those people, it takes a conscious effort on my part. This goal goes along nicely with giving up Diet Coke.

3) Organize the apartment

I’m excited to say that we found a new apartment! Bigger. Two bathrooms. Balcony with a fabulous view. Absolutely perfect. We won’t be moving until the middle of April but it will help the moving process tremendously if I start now by sorting through clutter and tossing out random nick-knacks.

4) Sweat every day

I’ve officially fallen off the horse of fitness. But getting my Sweat Pink tank top in the mail last week gave me the motivation I need to get back at it! Having to do something active everyday will keep me in check. It could be running miles and lifting weights, or simply taking Annie on a long walk or doing an ab workout.

5) Make two items from my Food Bucket List

Another repeat goal, but I like it! This forces me to think outside of the box when it comes to my weekly meal planning. Also, red velvet cake is on the list and since it just so happens to be my birthday month, I may have to treat myself!


What are your goals for March?

February Goals

Time to recap on my January goals, and set new ones for February!

I’m glad I started doing this back in the fall… I really do look forward to it all month. Does that make me weird, or crazy, or… alright, don’t answer that.


January goals…

1) Read my SmartBrief for Nutritionists

I was pretty good about this for two weeks, and then my to-do lists were getting longer each day and it kind of fizzled. The daily e-mails were glanced at, but I failed to actually click through to the full articles after a while. HAVE to keep doing this, though.

2) Keep the apartment clean

You know what’s funny? I was about to say this was a success, and then looked over at the pile of dishes currently disguising the sink/counter. In my defense, it’s technically February now and it WAS clean on Thursday. So I’m giving this one a thumbs up still. But really, why am I so messy?

3) Cross off at least two items on my Food Bucket List

I was sneaky with this one by combining two things into one: kale and lentils. My Turkey Lentil soup with Kale was SOO good, and there’s still a bit in my freezer for those lazy days. I should also report that I’ve been bit by the kale bug.

4) Run 3 days a week

Super pumped to report great success here! As evidenced by this, this, this and this!

5) Get a basic blood panel test

Got this done last week and my results were pretty good. I have surprisingly high levels of HDL cholesterol (the good one), but my LDL is a little high for my liking. High cholesterol is a hereditary thing for me, so I’m not too worried, but I will be addressing this in my February goals. Also to note, remember when I thought I might have some level of anemia? Definitely not anymore. My B12 is fine, and iron levels are actually a bit high (BC pills can increase serum iron).


February goals…


Yes, you read that right. For several months now I have been wanting to cut out red meat, mainly for health benefits. There are numerous sources that correlate consumption of red meat to high cholesterol, but when I thought I might have been iron deficient, I was a little apprehensive. Now I know that as long as I’m adamant about including legumes and leafy greens (which honestly isn’t an issue anyway), then my iron will be fine. Already stocked up on ground turkey, chicken breast, salmon, chickpeas and black beans at CostCo yesterday, so I’m set!

2) Keep a budget

Normally, there is a running tally in my head regarding my expenses, but I really want to be exact and on top of it. Andrew created an awesome Excel spreadsheet for me that will allow me to track every penny I spend. I’m not great with money, so this is going to be huge for me.

3) Take more pictures

I finally found my little pink (yes pink) point-and-shoot camera at the bottom of an old purse, but I haven’t found the battery charger yet. The fact that I even found it is a blessing and I figured it was a sign to take more pictures. So, yeah.

4) Turn “off” for the night by 9:30p

Nights in our apartment generally go like this: eat dinner, watch Colbert Report and John Stewart… I flip open my laptop and read blogs, write posts, do homework (maybe) and mindlessly scroll through Pinterest, Andrew pops on his headphones and plays god-knows-what on his Xbox. Before I know it, it’s 11p and I have to be up usually at 6a. NOT enough sleep for this girl. No laptop, no phone and no TV after 9:30p. Hopefully this means I’m in bed by 10p.

5) Run a 10k

Already know which one I’m doing, just have to dish out the money for it!


I have some lofty goals this month, but I’m feeling inspired and can’t wait to tackle them.

What is one of your goals this month?

January Goals

Helloooo my lovelies! Happy new year!

I could give you a million reasons as to why I haven’t posted in over a week but I’m just going to let bygones be bygones and hope that you do too. I was on vacation and enjoyed every minute of relaxation with friends and family!

Before getting back into the “daily grind” posts, I thought I should recap on my December goals, and share my new ones for January. I’ve never been big on resolutions, I think it’s too grandiose to place goals for a whole year… I’d rather just use a blanket statement of bettering yourself, and making measurable goals month-by-month. And yes I realize we are already a week into the new month but I’m still making goals for myself… it’s never too late!


Goals for December…

1) Do yoga at least once a week

I actually think I suceeded at this one. Although I haven’t been logging my workouts lately I do know that I did yoga a handful of times, so I’ll call it a success.

2) Train for a 10k

This one was tougher than I had originally thought. My running was sporadic due to being sick with a bronchitis-thing, and the holidays, and just life in general. I’ll be adding a running goal to January to make up for this!

3) Try 1 new recipe per week

Again, this was not actually documented (which is silly considering I have a blog) but I definitely accomplished this just by default. I am always trying new recipes, and I have a few to share with you guys very soon!

4) Reconnect with friends

Yes, coming home for the holidays helped with this one. Unfortunately though, I wasn’t able to see everyone I wanted to and am kind of beating myself up about that. I almost feel guilty, but trying to balance family and friends when you’re only home for a short period of time is tough!

5) Stay healthy

Big fail. Like I said I was sick with some kind of bronchitis mid-month (and it’s still lingering) and I’m so bummed about it! I tried so hard to stay healthy, but sometimes it just happens.


Goals for January…

1) Read my SmartBrief for Nutritionists

SmartBrief is awesome. It’s an almost-daily newsletter that you sign up for based on your industry or interests, and it sends you an e-mail with links to the most popular related news and articles. This is a great way to stay in-the-know, and I’ve been so bad about that! Especially now that within the year 2013 I’ll actually be a Dietitian, I should start now in preparing myself for the real-world.

2) Keep the apartment clean

After coming home from our holiday vacation, Andrew and I attacked our apartment from all angles. We dusted behind everything, steam-cleaned the tile floors, Lysol-ed every nook and cranny of the bathroom and kitchen, cleared out the fridge and pantry and vacuumed every square inch. It feels so good to have everything so clean and I want to keep it this way. This is not normally a strong-suit for me.

3) Cross off at least two items on my Food Bucket List

I’ve been slowly chipping away at the list… which reminds me I need to post about a few of those. But I know there are things on the list that can be done so easily! Like using kale. Why am I so intimidated by that? I just love spinach.

4) Run 3 days a week

I definitely want to do a 10k by the end of January, and this is the time to train for it! January has (in my opinion) the best weather of the year in South Florida. And also, for Christmas, my “big gift” was a Garmin running watch, so I’m excited to use that.

5) Get a basic blood panel test

Back in the fall I mentioned that my iron levels were low just based on how I was feeling, but I never actually got a blood test. Mix that with the fact that my family has a history of heart disease and high cholesterol, I want to get my blood levels checked. This is something that I’ve been wanting to do for a while but have just been putting it off, so it’s on my to-do list now!


Do you have any January goals? How do you feel about resolutions?