If you don’t have anything nice to say…

You know that saying, “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all”?

Well switch out the word “nice” with the word “good” and that’s how I feel about blogging lately. I’m simply on autopilot to the end of this internship and have no interest or motivation in anything else, so I’ll let a handful of Instagram pictures steal the show for now.


floodIt’s been rainy here, but what else is new. Yesterday when I got home from being productive, I had to park my car and walk 1/4 mile to my apartment in the pouring rain because our entire apartment complex drive and parking lots were flooded past the curb.


bloodymaryBloody marys were meant to be consumed before noon. This and the obscene sodium content leads me to believe they were meant for hangovers. You know, for replacing your lost electrolytes and such…


hurrcutI got a haircut, like a real, salon haircut. My stylist was like “wow I forgot you were a client of mine”. I never get haircuts. Fun fact, I actually own a pair of thinning shears and bravely go at my own hair sometimes (you know, those funny toothy-looking scissors they use to layer your hair). Hey, it’s just hair… it’ll grow back.


goatcheeseTold you I’ve been eating a lot of goat cheese. As mentioned, mainly straight from the package but there have been a few creative moments, such as this. Goat cheese and tomato toast is the perfect breakfast for when you run out essentials like peanut butter, or eggs.


americaNot sure why this picture didn’t make it up sooner, but I urged Andrew to be as fratty as possible on the 4th of July.. and he went with it 100%. Red white and blue plaid shorts, a ridiculous eagle/flag polo (yes, that really is an eagle) and the unpictured baby-blue topsiders for good measure. Oh and bourbon on the rocks. America.


What kind of story would your Instagram tell?

Fit Friday: Running in the Rain

Not even 5 minutes into my run this morning, I felt a drop of rain on my nose.

See, there’s something you must understand. A drop of rain on your nose in Florida is a bit different from a drop of rain on your nose in some other state. Usually, it signifies the beginning of a drizzle or light rain, but down here, you have all of 10 seconds to find cover before the skies open up.

And that’s exactly what happened.

At this point, I could turn around and sprint back home, or I could just roll with it and run in the pouring rain. I figured that I might as well just keep running since I was going to get soaked either way. Besides, it was only a matter of time before I got stuck outside on a run during a downpour, so why not?

And you know what? It was the best run I’ve EVER had. Sure I cut it a little shorter than usual but my breathing was level and my pace was steady the whole run, and I felt amazing. Not to mention the rain kept me nice and cool.


I’m really proud of myself for sticking it out actually because I had a sub-par week of workouts, and it made me think about how often people blame other factors for why their workout wasn’t so great. “It’s too hot”, “I slept like crap last night”, “I had a rough day at work”, “It’s rainy”. I’m guilty of all those excuses, but the more I rely on just sheer motivation, the better I feel about even the worst workouts.


Sunday: off

Monday: 10 minutes on the bike + weight circuit on machines

Tuesday: off

Wednesday: 4 mile run

Thursday: 1 mile sprint + a few rounds of push-ups, tri-dips and ab work

Friday: 3 mile run in the rain

Tomorrow I plan on doing a cardio/strength circuit.


Do you still feel good about a crappy workout? What motivates you?

Monday Munchies: It’s All About the Pumpkin

One would think that this means it’s raining. But no… it’s not. And 75 degrees at 7:30 in the morning is not what I call Fall weather… Apparently Florida missed the memo. I get another soggy and humid month before the rainy season finally breaks.

But enough moping, I’m still trying to embrace Fall and in spirit of this I have an amazing Monday Munchies recipe for you! I know last week I was still trying to be fair to my summer squash but I’ve moved on to the real star… Pumpkin. I may or may not have just had pumpkin pie oats with some pumpkin spice coffee on the side for breakfast… I mean, what? No… I’m not that obsessed I swear.. or maybe I am, and you should be too because of this recipe. Ready? Go

White Chocolate Oatmeal Pumpkin Cookies

  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 cup pumpkin puree
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
  • 1 and 1/2 cup oats
  • 3/4 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • **1/2 cup white chocolate chips

  1. Combine egg, vanilla and pumpkin puree in a large mixing bowl
  2. Stir in brown sugar, cinnamon and pumpkin pie spice
  3. Add oats, flour, baking powder and soda, and salt… mix well, dough will be sticky
  4. Fold in white chocolate chips
  5. Drop spoonfuls of dough evenly onto baking sheet
  6. Flatten each cookie with the back of a fork (they hardly spread while baking)
  7. Bake in oven at 350 for 10-12 minutes
  8. Makes 18 small cookies or 12 larger cookies

I starred the white chocolate chips because you could easily do a glaze on top instead.

Seriously though, whole wheat flour? No butter or oil? Only a half cup of brown sugar? I’d eat these babies for breakfast, of course only on days that I didn’t also have pumpkin pie oats and pumpkin coffee… maybe for a snack. I think might need to scale it back a bit with the pumpkin.

Does it feel like fall yet where you live? How much do you love pumpkin?