Sunshine Award Survey

So over the past couple months I’ve been tagged in a few blog award/survey things and I haven’t done any. I mean c’mon I found it hard enough to post on my own, how could I do a survey on top of that! And not to mention, the last time I did one I got put on a spam list by WordPress and it took me like a week to get it figured out. Thaaaanks.

So this time Barbara successfully roped me into the Sunshine Award, which I’ve been seeing a lot of around the blog world lately. However, I’m only going to answer the questions and not post the rules or nominate anyone else because, well… rules were meant to be broken, that’s why.

And I don’t feel like being put on a spam list again. :)


What is your biggest accomplishment?

There are a few things I would say are at the top of my list of accomplishments, like graduating and surviving my internship and all that. But honestly, moving to Florida and not immediately running back home to mommy and daddy was huge. I’m a pretty independent person but still, I’m proud of everything I’ve made for myself down here, no matter how big or small.

What is somewhere you want to visit and why?

Next on my wish-list of travels is Cali. Never been. I know I know… but my goal over the next few years is to visit all of the places within the US that I haven’t seen yet, and wine country is at the top of my list. Do I really need to explain why? Ha

What is the best meal you have ever eaten?

I don’t know about the best meal I’ve ever eaten in my life, however in the past few years one specifically stands out. My favorite restaurant in Ft Lauderdale, the 15th Street Fisheries, is two restaurants in one. Downstairs and outside is their “dockside cafe”, and upstairs is their fine dining seafood. When you sit outside you can order from either menu and when my parents first came to visit, we went big with the fancy stuff. I ordered the scallops and asparagus risotto, two of my most favorite dishes, both so decadent. The chef seared the scallops with 100% perfection.

How do you motivate yourself on those days when you don’t feel like working out?

Well… I don’t. If I don’t feel like it, then I just don’t. Sometimes this leads to a lot of rest days, but I’m okay with that.

What is your favorite dessert?

As much of a chocolate lover as I am, I have to say that bananas foster is hands down the best dessert on this planet. Seriously, rum sauce, bananas and ice cream.. how bad can that be. But good ol’ ice cream is a tried and true favorite too.

How many siblings do you have?

Two older brothers. They are polar opposites from each other, which is so amusing to me.

What is your favorite thing to do for fun?

Uh, eat? I mean, cook! Really, I find myself recipe searching and conjuring up ideas in my head when I should be doing other things. And then, if I have a specific recipe in mind… when you get me to the grocery store… oh you better watch out. And don’t even think about stepping foot in the kitchen.

What is your biggest fitness goal?

At some point in my life I want to run a half marathon. Actually, in 2014 I will run a half marathon, I just decided. I plan to start training as soon as this heat subsides, probably in October. February has the big A1A Full and Half Marathon in Ft Lauderdale that goes through one of the state parks and ends out along the ocean, but there is also one on the bridges to Key West that would be amazing. Decisions decisions!

What is your favorite way to relax?

Sitting outside (pretty much anywhere, but having a view is nice) and drinking a glass of wine. It doesn’t take much for me to relax in all honesty. I like to consider myself an expert on the subject.

What is the last book you read?

I’m so bad at finishing books. Like so bad that of the several books I’ve started over the last year, I have yet to finish a single one. However, the last book that I started reading was Mirror Mirror Off the Wall by Kjerstin Gruys, which, even though I haven’t finished more than half of it yet, I would still recommend to any woman. The author goes on a quest to not look at her reflection for an entire year. And even during her wedding! I know, she’s kind of insane. But it’s a startling look at the priorities of society today, and a truthful reflection of how I think a lot of us can be when it comes to body image.


Your turn! Answer one of these questions in the comments.

A to Z Survey: Vlog

Ok you guys, are you ready? My very first vlog.

Please don’t mind my frizzy hair and makeup-less face. Or my overuse of the word ‘definitely’. Or severe awkwardness. Or poor video/sound quality. K thanks.


A. Attached or Single?

B. Best Friend?

C. Cake or pie?

D. Day of choice?

E. Essential Item?

F. Favorite color?

G. Gummy bears or worms?

H. Home town?

I. Favorite Indulgence?

J. January or July?

K. Kids?

L. Life isn’t complete without?

M. Marriage date?

N. Number of brothers/sisters?

O. Oranges or Apples?

P. Phobias?

Q. Quotes?

R. Reasons to smile?

S. Season of choice?

T. Tag 5 People.

U. Unknown fact about me?

V. Vegetable?

W. Worst habit?

X. Xray or Ultrasound?

Y. Your favorite food?

Z. Zodiac sign?


How awkward was your first vlog?

A to Z Survey

Since I am all out of sorts this week, I thought I would do a simple kind of post.. a survey! I actually happen to love doing surveys, and I normally finish them but never post them. Strange huh?

Anyway I stumbled across this A-Z survey from Hayley over at Running on Pumpkin. I changed up a few of the letters to make the survey a tad more health/food-oriented, but it was (not surprisingly) already mostly about food and exercise. :)

A is for age: Well I’m 23 but people tell me I don’t look it! I’m also only 5’3, so that could be why.

B is for breakfast today: Pumpernickel bagel with cream cheese and a coffee… I was running a liiiittle late today so I grabbed breakfast from the cafeteria and I missed the hot breakfast so I went with the first thing I saw.

C is for currently craving: Water, I’m ungodly thirsty right now for some reason.

D is for dinner tonight: Leftover turkey from our Thanksgiving feast on Sunday, mashed potatoes and roasted broccoli.

E is for favorite type of exercise: I definitely have a new-found love of running so I’m kind of riding that high right now.

F is for fast food choice: I hardly ever eat fast food, but I can’t say that I don’t enjoy french fries.

G is for gross food: Honestly I’m not a picky eater at all. The only thing that comes to mind is oysters and mussels but I don’t know the last time I ever tried them, so I can’t really count that

H is for hometown: Grand Rapids, Michigan… they have some AMAZING restaurants, if you’re ever in the area I will happily supply you with suggestions.

I is for something important: Risk. I think it’s important to take risks in life in order to have any growth or learning. I moved to South Florida with no job and very little money to not only be with Andrew, but to see what opportunities were available for me… and it ended up being one of the best decisions I ever made! Health is important too. I don’t think spending money on good food or exercise is a waste. Obviously in good taste though.. you don’t need brand-name yoga pants.

J is for current favorite jam: Like delicious breakfast topping? Raspberry. Or like song? Va Va Voom - Nicki Minaj… I’m sorry I can’t help myself, I love her

K is for kids: Eventually I do want kids but it’s not on my radar right now. Homegirl needs a diamond first.

L is for favorite legume: Definitely chickpeas.. they’re so versatile.

M is for the most recent way you spent money: Well I dropped a few hundred dollars at Disney this weekend. Money that I didn’t even have to begin with since I’m an unemployed student/intern… but let’s just pretend that it didn’t happen.

N is for something you need: I definitely need new clothes, and that’s not me disguising the fact that I really just want to go shopping. All of my jeans are wearing thin and since I donated a lot of clothes back in the spring, I have yet to replenish my wardrobe. But like I said, I’m poor for the time-being.

O is for occupation: Right now I’m a full-time Dietetic Intern, but that means in a years time I’ll be a Dietitian, so yea. Nutrition is my thang.

P is for pet peeve: Bad manners. And people that think carbs are bad.

Q is for a quote: The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky - “I don’t think we should base so much on weight, muscles, and a good hair day, but when it happens, it’s nice. It really is.”

R is for random fact about you: I only wash my hair once a week. I still get my hair wet in the shower everyday… do a little scalp massage to redistribute the oils and I use a little conditioner on the ends… but with my type of hair, especially in Florida, more washing means more frizz.

S is for favorite healthy snack: Can’t go wrong with apples and peanut butter!

T is for favorite treat: Definitely any kind of ice cream or fro-yo. I usually just buy the half-gallons from Publix since they have awesome flavors but if I’m feeling extra special I’ll stop by Yogurtland or one of those places that you can mix and match all kinds of flavors and toppings.

U is for something that makes you unique: I have a fake tooth! Hah long story short, one of my bottom molars had to be taken out last year and I got an inch long screw put into my jaw and my pretty, fake implant tooth now sits on top of it!

V is for favorite vegetable: Cucumbers are always my favorite but I go through phases of eating them. My go-to veggies that I always have on hand are spinach and broccoli, both raw and cooked. They seriously go with everything.

W is for today’s workout: Andrew and I went on a quick 3 mile run when we got home today, in the dark! One of the perks of getting your man into running.

X is for X-rays you’ve had: Um well a lot when I had to get my tooth implant. I also had some of my thumb this summer. It’s still jacked up but they didn’t find anything in the x-rays so I’ve been dealing with it for ohhhh 4 months now. The joint is visibly swollen and I have decreased range of motion, oh and I get a sharp pain when it bends the wrong way… clearly it’s fine…

Y is for yesterday’s highlights: Hmmm, I don’t even remember what I did yesterday to tell you the truth.

Z is for hours of zzz’s you need: I would say 8 is ideal, any less than 7 and I’m dying unless I have coffee throughout the day.